Dog Bite Dog (1)

Li Ming named the new technique the Star-moon Mantra.

He took a few lousy cultivation techniques from the eight great dojos and deduced them for half a month without sleeping or resting.

Li Yueming received a message that he rarely used…

These eight cultivation techniques were simply too weak.

Deduction came and went.

Only the Qing-Yun Sect's cultivation method gave him some gains.

Most of the time, the other cultivation techniques could only be refined into a pile of useless trash.


Other than that, Li Yueming had also gained something.

After he finished studying the few inner Qi techniques of the Martial Master Realm, he did not even need to cultivate.

The bottleneck between Martial Apprentice and Martial Master instantly disappeared.

In fact, Li Yueming had already met the requirements to become a Martial Master.