Return to the Reincarnation Space!_2

Hearing this.

The old man's face stiffened.

After a moment, he shook his head honestly and said," Forget it then. If you want to know anything, just ask me. The ruins of the old era hidden in Penglai are different from those in the northernmost unfrozen sea. There are still creatures in there that have not died yet, so I solemnly warn you not to have any ideas about this place. Releasing the things inside is not a joke!"

This time, it was Li Yueming's turn.

Previously, he had personally witnessed the giant warship under the northernmost ice-free port.

There was also the endless insect tide that covered the sky and covered the earth.

As a reincarnator.

He truly understood how terrifying these things were.

The enemy of the bug horde was the society of order in the entire universe. Almost all the law-abiding forces in the entire universe were mortal enemies with the bug clan.

Just from this point alone.