Red Talent, Nightless City!_2

[0 years old: You were born in a test tube from Nightless City's Cloud Technology Company!]

[There are hundreds of thousands of babies born in test tubes with you!]

[Yunxiao Technology Company will extract the genes of every baby and choose the most perfect genes to nurture!]

[Your luck is not bad. You passed the first round of gene screening, but more babies were ruthlessly eliminated.]

[2 years old: Yunxiao Technology Company has begun to inject various drugs into many babies. They want to use the drugs to activate the various genes in your bodies!]

[You are extremely angry about this, but you are still in the petri dish and can't change anything!]

[4 years old: More babies were eliminated. Some of them had their organs removed to provide to the rich, while others with genetic defects were thrown into the trash and left to fend for themselves.]

[You're still very lucky, or rather, your genes are very strong, and you survived!]