
Two months later.

Li Yueming was polishing his new generation of body parts through infinite deduction every day.

Of course.

He definitely wouldn't modify himself into a shitty robot.

After all, one would only know how terrifying the human body was if they had gone through personal martial arts.

Changing his body was like throwing away a watermelon to pick up sesame seeds.

Therefore, he had no choice.

What Li Yueming wanted to research was a nuclear mecha.

Not only could he avoid modifying himself, but he could also obtain superpowers through technology.

During this process.

Sun Ruo had also come to look for him a few times.

As a superpower, she was more agile than Li Yueming.

Therefore, he had no choice.

Naturally, the task of getting information from the outside world fell on her.

According to the current information.