A Beautiful Girl's Spit (2)

"I heard that the Deputy Chief has the power of God. As long as the guns and bullets that he has blessed can cause huge damage, it's simply too terrifying!"

"What bullshit divine power! The Deputy Leader is a powerful Extraordinary! I heard that even a supernatural animal that has become a spirit can't escape the fate of being killed by the Deputy Chief!"

"The animals in the camp are piled up like mountains. The machines that process the canned meat are almost smoking. This is the first time I've been worried about having too much food…"

"To be honest, I've lived in the camp for more than ten years, but I've never thought that I could see such a ridiculous scene."

Originally, many members of the Resistance camp were waiting to see Li Yueming make a fool of himself.

But now, as the food in the base became more and more abundant, some rumors and rumors about Li Yueming became more and more widespread.

Naturally, the trend started to change.