A Spark Catches a Prairie, You and I Are Plants

Transcendence Calendar Year 350, Li Yueming was seventeen years old.

Two years ago, Cloud Sky Group and Hurricane Group signed a truce agreement.

However, during the retreat.

Li Yueming sent the Resistance Army to strike at both sides at the most critical time and place.

He sent a mecha to pretend to be from Hurricane Group to attack the headquarters of Cloud Sky Group.

He also sent the genetic warriors that Kandor had researched to Hurricane Group's repair shop.

The result was obvious.

The representatives of Hurricane Group and Cloud Sky Group sat at the negotiation table, their saliva flying everywhere. They had negotiated for more than a month before they finally signed the truce agreement.

In the end, it was immediately destroyed less than two hours after it took effect.

The soldiers on both sides started fighting again.

Although the higher-ups later discovered the problem and suspected that there were other forces behind it.