The Mastermind Reveals, and the Superhuman Association Appears

Li Yueming's arrival.

Old Lin didn't show much surprise.

He learned about it in the subsequent chat.

Sun Ruo had come to Old Lin's shop a few times in the past two months.

Therefore, he had no choice.

Old Lin had already predicted that Li Yueming would return.

Li Yueming didn't understand what logic Old Lin was using.

However, this did not affect the accuracy of this guess.

After Li Yueming left N City.

Old Lin had already guessed that Li Yueming was the famous mecha warrior in the underground arena.

Later, when he rummaged through the drawers in his studio, he also found a thick stack of self-created blueprints that Li Yueming had left for him.

Old Lin followed Li Yueming's instructions and didn't use it.

After all, the entire N City was searched by the Cloud Sky Group at that time.

The blueprint in Old Lin's hands contained the prototype of the mecha that Li Yueming had worn.

If it was exposed, there would be huge trouble.