Nine metamorphoses, Fish Leap into Dragon, Perfect Genetic Body!_2

They enjoyed the attention of thousands of people.



Under such circumstances.

The Resistance finally stopped cowering and began to show their talents.

Transcendence Calendar Year 371.

The Rebellion Army changed their usual low profile and mobilized their army to completely defeat the Yunxiao Group, which was still hanging on by half a breath, with an unstoppable momentum.

In just three months.

More than five million soldiers were stationed at Mylta, their swords pointed at Nightless City.

At this moment.

The appearance of the Nightless City in Cloud Sky was exactly the same as the night Li Yueming was born in the petri dish more than 40 years ago.

The lanterns were just lit up.

The neon lights of Mylta flashed in the pouring rain.

From afar, it looked like a hazy and faint bubble.

The Nightless City stood above Mylta, supported by 64 super alloy pillars.

It symbolized the 64 cities under his command.