Public Reincarnation World, Trial About Us!_4

Yunduan Fengye (Qin Ritian): Selling reincarnation rights again? How many times would he sell it this time? (Elemental Perception)"

Lost Flowing Cloud (Proud Wind):"Ritian Qin, the last time you questioned the newbie boss, it wasn't like this. Hurry up and show some momentum!"

Yunduan Fengye (Qin Ritian):"Shame from embarrassment (emoji)!"

After Li Yueming sent the message.

Almost immediately, a large group of members who were diving and spying on the screen exploded.

Even the group leader, Yunduan Fengye, was also blown up.

Last time, because Li Yueming wanted to sell five reincarnations.

Therefore, Li Yueming was treated as a swindler by the Cloud Maple Leaf.

However, when he found out that Li Yueming had actually given him five reincarnations at once, the attitude of the Cloud Maple Leaf immediately changed.

After all, he was the son of a high-ranking official in Shanghai.