Your Horse Is Not Bad, But Soon It Will Be Mine!_2

"However, don't blame me for not reminding you. The scout battalion is mainly responsible for gathering information outside. It is one of the soldiers with the highest death rate in the entire army!"

"If you are not prepared to be caught by the Qin army and immediately commit suicide, don't even think about coming here!"

The few of them nodded.

He indicated that he already knew.

Meng Ba stared at them for a long time. After confirming that he did not find any fear on their faces, his expression eased a little and he said,"In addition, the scout camp needs skilled archers and horsemen. Do you know how to ride a horse and shoot arrows?"

The reincarnators basically knew how to ride horses and shoot arrows.

Even if he didn't, You Aotian had already taught him in the past few years.

Therefore, they naturally nodded.

Meng Ba was obviously a little shocked when he heard this. He asked,"All of you know archery?"