
He barely had the strength to protect himself.

After all, even the teachers in the Great Zhou Cultivator Academy were only at the Void Refinement Realm!


The Qin army rode their horses and rampaged through the north, killing and pillaging.

As the eyes of the army, the scouts of the Northern Battlefront Army had to be on the frontline.

In fact, that was indeed the case.

At the beginning of this long tug-of-war, the Great Zhou and Great Qin had suffered the most casualties, not soldiers, but scouts.

This was especially true for Great Qin, who had a deep hatred for the Great Zhou's scouts.

The Qin army's warhorses ran very fast. As long as they found a scout from the Great Zhou, they would risk their lives to chase after him for hundreds of miles.

After all, their plan to go to the North had almost succeeded.

In the end, it was smashed into pieces by a group of Great Zhou scouts.