The Battle Formation Appears, Shocking the Army!_2

After being stunned for a while.

Instantly, the entire military camp in Zhenbei City was in an uproar.

This was a good relationship!

They had long disliked the arrogant attitude of the scout battalion.

Usually, they did not dare to make any big moves due to military rules and discipline. Most of the time, they could only choose to endure.

If they were to engage in an all-out battle now, they would be able to teach those useless things a lesson!

After a night of brewing.

The 60,000-odd soldiers in Zhenbei City had all heard the news from the scout camp.

The All-Army Tournament was scheduled for two days later, at the beginning and end of the season. Every year, the Northern Battlefront Army would gather at this time to hold a training session.

It was the most appropriate time to put any grudges at that time.

After receiving the accurate news.

All the soldiers in Zhenbei City, except for the scouts, were overjoyed.