The Tide of Spirit Beasts, An Ancient Legend!_2

A few days before the arrival of the spirit beast tide, the Star-Moon Army evacuated all the residents of Northern Ice River Town. However, they did not retreat themselves and chose to stay in Northern Ice River Town to guard the encampment.

On the surface, the Star Moon Army's General Li Yueming said that he would stay behind to guard North Ice River Town.

However, Northern Ice River Town was originally a mobile city. Since ancient times, there were not many permanent residents. If the Star Moon Army moved the people away, what would they stay to guard?

Could it be that he was guarding a lonely place?

With such an abnormal phenomenon, it was hard not to think deeply.

Did this mean that the Starmoon Troop had not received the order to retreat?

Thinking of this, many people immediately thought of the strange silence in the court recently.

Suddenly, they all felt enlightened.