Arrogant Reincarnators!_1

In the distant Zhenbei City.

A group of young people with tender faces were curiously sizing up the town in front of them.

In front of them stood You AoTian, who had just returned from Northern Glacier Town.

In recent years, the number of geniuses in the Cultivation Colleges had increased significantly.

He was already at the True Form Realm and even the Spirit Focus Realm when he was in his teens.

In the past, he would have been famous all over the world.

In the past few years, it had not even caused a stir.

The young people who were highly regarded by the imperial court and the emperor and sent to the north for training could be considered geniuses among geniuses.

After all, if they weren't so talented, the emperor wouldn't have gone through the trouble of sending them to the Northern Lands to temper himself.

If nothing unexpected happened.

In a few years, this group of young people in front of him would become the pillars of the entire Great Zhou.