It Doesn't Matter, My Brother Will Make a Move!_3

The Qin army that had left before the new year had returned.

However, this time, it was no longer the same as before, where they only sent tens of thousands of people each time.

This time, the Qin army sent out one of the twelve generals, Baiqi.

Baiqi led 200,000 soldiers and sneaked past the defensive area of the Zhou army.

The 200,000 elite Qin army directly attacked one of the three passes in the northwest of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the Crouching Dragon Pass.

Caught off guard, Dragon Crouching Pass was almost broken.

Fortunately, there were still 30,000 Dragon Tiger Army soldiers stationed in the city. They took over the city defense at the critical moment and protected the Dragon Conqueror Pass from the Qin army.

But even so, Great Zhou still suffered heavy losses.

The Dragon Tiger Army was a core elite with a military soul. Logically speaking, it was not enough to fight against an ordinary Qin army.

But this time, the Qin army had invested a lot.