A True Hero Never Afraid of Facing Death!_3

However, an army like the Black Armored Guards, which possessed a military spirit, was already half a step into the realm of fantasy.

Seeing that the Starmoon Troop had stopped in place and did not dare to move.

Not far away, a reincarnator from the Qin army laughed loudly and said,"I've always heard that there's a Starmoon Army in the north that can appear and disappear unpredictably. No matter how powerful the Qin army is, they're nothing but clay chickens and pottery dogs in front of them…Today, I've seen the Star Moon Army's extraordinary side!"

"However, the so-called elusive and invincible seems to be too exaggerated, right? Today, since you insist on chasing after us, I, Wu Zhong, will use these 1,000 Black Armored Soldiers to break your Star Moon Army's bullsh * t undefeated legend!"

"One against five, how fast!"

As he spoke.

This reincarnator named Wu Zhong clenched his left hand into a fist.

In the next second.