Six Nations Contending for Power, Beacon Smoke Rising!_3

Back then, when the reincarnators from the Cultivator Academy were sent to the Northern Lands to establish their own army, Wang Biao and the others were defeated by the Qin army with hundreds of thousands of carefully selected troops.

This directly caused the emperor to lose confidence in the other reincarnators.

As for the other group, they were of course the reincarnators under Li Yueming. Including Qi Fan, there were a total of 25 people.

From the battle results alone, the reincarnators gathered in the Star Moon Army should be quite strong.

However, the number of people was much lower than the other reincarnators.

Naturally, the other reincarnators did not take him seriously.


In the past few months, the Qin army in the north had taken down two more towns.

Even the Starmoon Troop had sacrificed many men.

You Aotian and the Northern Battlefront Army all felt a heavy pressure.

The imperial court was more lenient towards the north than the west.