Northwest Company Army, Father and Son Reunited!_2

After discovering that the Great Zhou's strength was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

The Qin army, who had a smooth journey, finally stopped underestimating them. They did not continue to stay in the hinterland of the Great Zhou Dynasty. They carried the gold, silver, and jewelry they had stolen and began to retreat like the wind.

This battle was fought.

The deficit left behind by the Qin army's long-distance attack on the Great Zhou Dynasty was finally made up for. The gold, silver, and jewelry harvested from the Central Plains during the two-month plunder were enough for the Qin army to digest for several years.

After the Qin army left, the Great Zhou took over Futian Pass immediately.

After all, the Qin army was not the only enemy outside Futian Pass. The Northwest Coalition Army formed after the rebellion of the Star Moon Army, the Northern Army, and the Western Army had become a thorn in the Great Zhou Dynasty's side.