The Star and Moon Army's Territory Flourishment, Da Meng and Da Song!_1

In the year 7842 of the Great Zhou Royal Calendar, Li Yueming was 34 years old.

A few years ago, when the emperor's allied army went north to attack Northern Ice River Town, everyone thought that Northern Ice River Town would not be able to last long in front of the Great Zhou army, which was several times stronger than them.

However, to everyone's surprise, this war that was thought to have no suspense lasted for nearly three years.

The final result almost made everyone think that they were hearing things.

The alliance army left the east of Hidden Dragon Pass. On the way, they were cut off by the elite troops sent by Northern Ice River Town. The general who attacked Northern Ice River Town was afraid of being punished by the emperor and did not choose to retreat immediately after the grain route was cut off.

Instead, he chose to attack Northern Glacier Town, hoping to crush this unknown town in the north with absolute strength.