The reaction of all parties, bloody revenge!_1

Li Yueming had shed blood in North Ice River Town, and he had fled thousands of miles away.

After this news spread, the whole world was in an uproar.

According to the battle situation that had been spread previously, under normal circumstances, it seemed impossible for the Great Zhou to break through Northern Ice River Town with the forces of Dragon Subdue Pass and Tiger Subdue Pass.

Therefore, at the beginning, almost everyone thought that this war would eventually develop into a long tug-of-war. Northern Glacier Town and the Star-Moon Army might even become famous because of this war.

Even in the Six Nations, they would occupy a place.

He did not expect that at this critical moment, news of the assassination of the general would spread.

Therefore, after hearing this news, almost everyone's reaction was that Northern Glacier Town was probably completely finished this time.