Breaking through two stages in a row, the unstoppable Star Moon Army!_1

After one battle after another.

The Star-Moon Army's spirit, which was still in its embryonic form, had finally condensed into a substantial force in this war!

Back then, Li Yueming had established the Star Moon Army.

From then on, countless people in the Northwest followed Li Yueming and pledged their loyalty to him.

Before the assassination, Li Yueming, who had been stationed in North Glacier Town all year round, had already become the spiritual totem of the Star Moon Army. More than half of the entire Star Moon Army's spirit was supported by Li Yueming alone.

And now, Li Ruyue had been assassinated, and it was still unknown whether she was dead or alive.

This caused the soldiers of the Star Moon Army, who regarded Li Yueming as their spiritual totem, to panic. They had lost the core soul that had led them to follow him regardless of life and death. They felt that the sky was about to collapse.

They were all at a loss about their future.