A Miracle in the History of the Six Nations War!_3

Beneath his feet, all the civil and military officials had no objections to this outcome.

Hence, they all fell at the feet of the Son of Heaven and praised him.



Futian Pass.

With two passes broken through in a row, even if the Great Zhou officials were stupid, they would have guessed something.

Therefore, this time was different from the previous times.

The gate of Futian Pass didn't open like before.

However, this was not a problem for the Starmoon Troop.

The mighty army that possessed the army spirit realized that they could not use any tricks, so they attacked Futian Pass without any hesitation.

The Starmoon Troop's combat power was much stronger than anyone had imagined.

After all, they were the first generation of soldiers with the soul of the army, and they enjoyed the most intense and profound blessing of the power of heaven and earth.

In just a week.