A Blood Deed Must Be Repaid in Blood!

After repeatedly confirming that he was not hallucinating, the county magistrate fainted on the spot.

These tokens were quickly taken away by the internal guards who had heard the news.

However, because this matter had attracted the attention of many local people from the beginning, there were too many people who knew about it. In addition, it was too bizarre and spread very quickly. The Great Zhou Dynasty was unable to suppress it. Soon, it swept through the entire Zhu Xia continent like a hurricane.

More than ten Sky-rank guest experts had died on the border with Great Qi.

When this news spread, most people thought that it was a joke.

However, as time passed, not only did this joke not disappear, it even became more interesting.

When the various countries noticed that something was wrong, they sent people to investigate in depth. In the end, they found that this matter was most likely true!!!