Shocking the World, Li Ruxing Retreats?_3

Perhaps, probably…

Whether it was the beginning or the end of the war, Li Yueming did not send any news to Northern Glacier Town.

But even without any evidence, Li Ruxing had already sensed his existence through clues.

Li Yue Ming didn't die, also didn't die, also didn't die.

Li Ruxing was probably the only one in the entire Star Moon Army who believed in this. Just like when they were young, no matter how far apart they were, the two of them never needed to communicate much. They could understand each other's feelings with just a look.

Li Yueming didn't return to Northern Glacier Town, and there was no news of him being alive.

However, Li Ruxing could still clearly sense that he had returned. He was hiding in a place where no one would notice, waiting for the right opportunity like a hunter.

At the same time, she understood what she had to do.