Stealing the Fate of Heaven and Earth and uprooting the Great Zhou!_1

Li Yueming thought.

All the armored soldiers who had barged into the courtyard exploded in an instant, turning into a cloud of scarlet blood mist.

As for Zeng Youwei and a few others who had already broken into the main house not far away, their fate was even more miserable.

Although they eventually exploded into a cloud of blood mist like the others, they were still forced to kneel on the ground by Li Yueming's majestic mental power before they died. They experienced the pain of bleeding from their seven orifices.

Li Yueming sat cross-legged on the ground. The life and death of this group of people was just a blink of an eye to him. He did not care at all. He did not open his eyes even when everyone exploded into a cloud of blood mist.


Outside the house, hundreds of people and soldiers from the local government could smell the blood.