The Arrogant Fire Sect Hollowed Out the Foundation of Great Zhou!_1

At the end of August, Year 7835 of the Great Zhou Royal Calendar.

The news of the appearance of heretics near Spring Water Lake was gathered from all sides and passed to Fengnan County Governor Gan Tian.

After receiving the message, Prefectural Governor Gan Tian did not dare to be negligent. She immediately gathered all the leaders of the core departments in Fengnan County and discussed it overnight. In the end, it was decided that a Void Refinement Realm Qi Refiner would be the leader, and hundreds of internal guards in the Coagulate Spirit Realm would be the core combat force. In addition, there would be thousands of elite soldiers. Together, they would form an elite team and head to Spring Water Lake Town as soon as possible to investigate the situation.

Just as Fengnan County was preparing to send troops.