The Shocking Battle Begins!_3

Only the seasoned soldiers standing at the edge of the battlefield felt hot blood rush to their eyes when they saw the familiar yet unfamiliar figure on the river.

The white-haired old soldier muttered to himself,""He's back, he's back. As expected, as expected…"

Some people even cried and choked,""It's a pity that so many old friends are gone. Before they died, what they wanted to know the most was the whereabouts of Great General Li…"

There were also people with solemn expressions, tidying up their clothes and polishing their spears."You don't need to grieve. We are still here, General Li is still here, and the Star Moon Army is still here! Now, we only need to follow behind General Li and cut off all the thorns in front of him!"

The new generation of soldiers had never seen Li Yueming before, so they naturally didn't know about his aura.