The Fall of the Ten Thousand Year Dynasty!_3

Of course, at this moment.

It didn't matter whether he went to court or not.

He was just looking for more trouble for himself.

He opened his eyes.

The emperor sat on the high dragon throne and looked down at the outline of the city wall outside the hall. He couldn't help but recall that night many years ago.

At that time, the old supervisor of the Imperial Astronomical Bureau was dragging his broken body and telling him that if he could not subdue Li Yueming, he must kill him as soon as possible.

At that time, although he seemed to have listened, he was still extremely proud and full of conceit.

Now that he had fallen to this state, he deserved it.

Thinking of this, the emperor sighed.""Pathetic, hateful…The foundation that my ancestors had accumulated for thousands of years was lost in the hands of an unfilial descendant like me…"



Year 7890 of the Great Zhou Dynasty.