Ten Million Scholarship (2)

These two sums of money alone were enough for Li Yueming to cultivate martial arts in the early stages.

Apart from that, Principal Long Wu also promised to write to his old friend on the Imperial Sun Star to apply for a place for Li Yueming to enter the Imperial Sun Star Military Martial Arts Academy.

This was only the tip of the iceberg for the treatment of a genius.

Whether it was planet 7-20003, the Emperor Sun Star Area, or the entire Alliance of Law, the resources for the truly talented young people could basically satisfy all the needs of cultivation.

Of course, all of this was on the premise that he could display enough talent and strength to make the Alliance of Order take him seriously.

The universe was too big. Just a small planet like planet 7-20003 alone had a population of hundreds of millions. The number of prodigies born from it was naturally countless.