Special Referrer Assessment!_2

When the money was placed on the dining table, the uncle and aunt's brains turned off.

Looking at the white banknotes on the table, she didn't know what to say.

For working-class families like them, a scholarship of 10 million yuan was basically an unimaginable amount in their lifetime.

But now, such a huge amount of wealth that they did not even dare to dream of was right in front of them…

This kind of direct shock was something that no one could describe unless they experienced it personally.

When he finally came back to his senses, the uncle immediately got up and locked the door. He turned to look at Li Yueming and said with a serious expression,"Where did this money come from? You didn't do anything illegal, right?"

Li Yueming smiled.

But before he could say anything, Li Linglong wrinkled her nose and said,"Dad, what are you talking about? We are all outstanding young men with a bright future. Who would be stupid enough to make money by breaking the law?"