Assessment Ended, Highest Score in History!_1

In the examination hall, Li Yueming was still trying his best to dash left and right.

However, outside the examination hall, the group of students preparing for the exam and the teachers of the Ultimate Martial Arts Academy were all sweating for him.

Especially after the appearance of the Level Three Black Beetle, the entire examination hall was in an uproar. Some students exclaimed,"What the hell? In the past assessments, there were only Level 2 black beetles, right? Where did this Level Three black beetle that could fly come from?"

"Level 1 Normal Black Beetle, Level 2 Elite Black Beetle…Level 3 was already the strongest form that a normal black beetle could grow to without any mutation. The appearance of this thing could already be considered an unexpected disaster, right?"

"Where are the teachers of the Ultimate Martial Academy? Why didn't he go and save that young man?"