Spare parts warehouse, first try!_2

Didn't that mean that Li Yueming's understanding of machinery was not inferior to his?

Of course, this thought only appeared in his mind for a moment before it was immediately eliminated.

Li Yueming's age did not allow him to learn so much knowledge.

The planet that Li Yueming was born on couldn't possibly have any Mechanic knowledge for him to learn.

So what was going on?

This student of his seemed to be even more monstrous than he had imagined!

Sensing Suraman's puzzled gaze, Li Yueming took the initiative to explain,""Last night, you asked me to bring back a set of beginner Mechanic materials to study. Among them was an introduction to the model and structure of this spaceship. I learned it briefly, and it seems to be quite simple!"

He looked at Li Yueming's serious face.

Suraman even thought that Li Yueming was joking with him.

The information about this spaceship was indeed described in the information, but that was quite the later knowledge.