Resources Obtained, Repair the Spaceship!_2

Apart from being shocked, Li Ming was also pleasantly surprised.

The Military Committee was too generous, so generous that he could not believe it.

Just as he was still in a daze, the cabin of the spacecraft was opened, and a middle-aged man in military uniform walked out.

The man looked around and saw Li Yueming, who looked a little too young. He smiled kindly and said,"You must be the new disciple of Suraman, right? My name is Hans, the person in charge of the third group of the logistics department of the Military Committee!"

When he heard the title of Lieutenant General Suraman…

Li Yueming's eyelids twitched.

Good heavens, this wretched old man was actually a proper military officer?

Moreover, he was a lieutenant general.

What kind of concept was this?

As the leader of the Special Agent Group of the Military Committee, An Linna was only a major general.