Monster, He Was Simply A Monster!_1

For the next two months, Li Yueming spent almost 24 hours a day in the factory.

The twelve spaceships were all Star Sector-level.

Although they were the most common basic style, there was no need to study the special structure alone.

However, it was still quite troublesome to repair them completely.

Even Li Yueming had put in a lot of effort during this period of time.

On the other hand, Sulaman was obviously more concerned about this matter than Li Yueming.

However, although he was curious about how much Li Yueming could do, Suraman still endured it. During this period of time, he did not even take the initiative to come to the factory to find Li Yueming. He was completely indifferent.

After all, the purpose of setting up such a test was to test Li Yueming's talent in the Mechanic class. If he ran over and interfered, then this test would lose its original meaning.