Only Youth and Hard Work Can't Be Deserved (3)

However, Li Linglong was not completely without confidence.

After all, when Li Yueming went to the Imperial Sun Star last year, he was just an ordinary Level Two martial artist. Although he had advanced to Level Three, how long had it been since then? At most half a year!

Even if Li Yueming had a breakthrough during this period of time, he would at most be at the peak of Level 3.

And now, she was also a real Level Two martial artist!

Although there was a huge gap between the two of them, it was not so big that it could not be made up for.

If he only touched the corner of his clothes…If he worked hard, it might really be possible!


Looking at Li Linglong, who was eager to try, Li Yueming suppressed the urge to laugh and said lightly,""Come on!"

Hearing this, Li Linglong no longer hesitated.

She activated the footwork that Li Yueming had left in the booklet and pounced towards him.