The flames of war, the blood was boiling!_1

At the forefront of the third universe battlefield.

Defense Line No. 16, Planet 7-66423 of the Alliance of Order.

On the surface of a planet full of potholes, thousands of giant cannons were set up. Cannons that looked like particle rays shot out silently, hitting the insect tide that was wandering outside the surface.

The light emitted by the particle cannon was like a hot knife cutting butter. In an instant, it cut a huge bug that was trying to land on the ground into two halves.

After killing the bug, the laser beam penetrated its body. As long as the bugs thousands of kilometers away came into contact with this beam of light, they would be dismembered.

However, even though the destructive power of all kinds of super weapons was astonishing, the soldiers and officers in the surface defense line did not have much joy on their faces.