373, Like a demon, a divine mech!_2

The situation was dangerous.

Other ordinary soldiers might not be able to recognize that the one who had attacked Flay was a level seven Zerg hunter, but the military commander who had received systematic education would be able to recognize it.

After discovering this situation, the commander of the rear defense line in the battlefield tensed up again. He called the military headquarters several times before he was able to connect to the radio and shouted,"There are two or more Level 7 Insect Hunters in the 3-4-6 area. The target is Surna Flay. Please immediately send out a Level 8 expert or above to support!"

When the military headquarters heard his request for help, they were stunned for a moment before immediately saying," Use all the effective weapons in the vicinity to help Colonel Flay escape. We'll arrange for people to come over immediately…"

Before the other party could finish speaking.

"F * ck…"