Shocking the entire army, the young Machinery God!_2

Forget it, this was not important anyway. As long as they could help them kill the Zergs on the battlefield, the entire universe would be one family.

He thought about it.

Ikarov's nervousness eased a lot. He immediately turned around and instructed his assistant,""Get someone to contact this Mechanic and ask him to come to the command center after the battle. I want to express my sincere gratitude to him on behalf of all the soldiers on planet 7-66423's defense line."

"Also, find a few Level Seven fighters from the beheading team to rescue Flay in Area 3-4-6. Also, tell the others that there are Zerg hunters on the front line of the battlefield. Tell them to be more careful and make sure that they move in groups of at least three!"

After receiving the order, the adjutant's expression became serious. He bowed respectfully and said,"Understood!"

As he spoke, he prepared to arrange for someone to contact them.