Chapter 62 I feel I can't_1

The snake hiding in the crevices of the large rock by the creek was a hundred paces viper, commonly known as the "five-step snake."

Even those who don't understand snakes have heard of the name "five-step snake." The name is too ostentatious.

Just hearing the name "five-step snake" clues one into its toxicity!

Belonging to the same subfamily as the venomous snakes, other members like the elegant bamboo viper conjure poetic imagery with their names, whereas the five-step snake's name is brutally simple, inherently instilling terror.

When Steve neared the spot, the snake in the crevice didn't react, until Steve moved the bushes aside, preparing to drag the snake out, then the snake inside moved.

"It's a big one! Looks to weigh seven or eight jin!" Cheng Si exclaimed.

Just having seen the part under the crevice, he knew he was not cut out to handle this snake.

A seven or eight jin five-step snake was considered large—this was a venomous snake!