Chapter 78 Restraint (three more for subscription and monthly votes)_1


Lu Yue had never imagined that Feng Yi's sense of smell could be so disturbingly acute.

He continued his performance in front of Feng Yi.

Feng Yi played along, pretending to be oblivious to his thoughts.

His gaze returned to the clothes in the room.

The ambition of Qianli Group was evident in these new products; it was no wonder they were taken so seriously.

Glancing at the time, Lu Yue said to Feng Yi, "Shall we start now?"


"Although the new products have been tested after production to prevent any mishaps, have another look."

These garments and accessories, destined for the runway, were displayed on specific racks, ready to dazzle on models at the evening's celebration and be admired by many.

Feng Yi walked slowly through the rows of merchandise.