Chapter 80 Want to fight?_1

Both parties were about the same age, and separately, they both looked fine, but when put together, the contrast became apparent.

It's not rare for people to wear the same clothes, and even wearing the exact same outfit from head to toe has happened. Those with a good-natured temperament might just laugh it off and move on, treating it as a bit of color added to their life.

Someone wears the same thing as me, that means we have the same taste, right? Everyone has good taste!

Or perhaps it's embarrassing and awkward, and while internally bothered, they quickly shift their focus to other matters—no need to dwell on such trivial things and miss out on what's truly important.

Internally cursing, but maintaining polite civility on the surface.

It all depends on one's attitude.

In the current situation, the other person wasn't bad-looking, but when it came down to comparing looks, body, or aura, they couldn't beat Feng Yi—who clearly had the upper hand.