Chapter 103 Snake Luck_1


The route the convoy chose was relatively smooth, and Feng Yi studied several electronic materials on the road.

It was Huang Ye who had passed them to him; they contained an overview of their destination and some relevant key points.

Feng Yi had no experience with catching snakes on the plateau, and he didn't know the habits of the snakes there during this season. He relied on instinct and perception for snake catching—others' experiences might not work for him, but it was always good to learn more.

The convoy took several breaks along the way. During the rests, Huang Ye would ask about things concerning Team 6 from the Nan Chong scientific expedition. The others in the team were also curious about the Nan Chong Team 6, as their work had similarities, except they were looking for snakes on the plateau while Team 6 searched in the mountain forests of the Nan Chong range.