Chapter 160 Palm Face_1

After checking the crocodile's eye condition, the restraint on the nearly four-meter-long crocodile was removed, and it bolted toward the pond as if escaping.

"Didn't expect crocodiles could run that fast, is it startled? Doesn't seem like such a big guy would be so timid." Cheng Si said.

"American alligators are generally mild-mannered, but you need techniques and an understanding of their habits."

Steve reminded him at the side, fearing Cheng Si would become complacent and repeat past mistakes. After all, to him, Cheng Si was just a nobody with the strength of a mere 0.1 Python.

But Cheng Si didn't need Steve's reminder; he had read many reports on crocodiles. Even though American alligators are rumored to be gentle, there were still numerous reports of them injuring people, including news of trainers having their hands bitten off or even being killed.