Chapter 164 Can't Even Think About It!_2

Feng Chi sprawled lazily on the couch, staring at his phone, "These two look a bit big in size."

Feng Yi: "They're both over two meters. One of them might be a little bigger, but not more than three meters. Not exceptionally big—the research center has some that are four meters, and I've sent you pictures before."

Feng Chi: "Captive ones can't compare with those in the wild. I just feel that wild ones are more... wild! More dominant! That's what I like! It's just those teeth make me uncomfortable. I almost wish I could find a dentist to give them braces."

Feng Yi: "..."

As they were speaking, another alligator surfaced, bigger than the previous two, likely around four meters, and, what's more, it was approaching their boat.

Feng Chi sat up, eyes glued to the phone screen, voice tense, "Bro, is it heading towards you guys? It seems like you're too close..."

Warren, also noticing the large alligator: "Oh, my God!"

Feng Chi: "My brother ahhhhhh it's coming your way!"