Chapter 192 Ancestral Factory_1

Wu did not think he was spouting any pretentious nonsense; he truly believed in his words and did not feel they were wrong.

Moreover, his statement wasn't about himself but about Feng Yi.

Feng Yi quietly observed the private doctor who had assumed the position this year and whom he hadn't known for long. Considering what he knew about Wu so far and seeing his serious expression,

Wu was not joking.

The doctor truly believed what he said.

That meant, in Doctor Wu's opinion, Feng Yi would soon be very wealthy.

Extremely wealthy.

To the extent where "money is just a number, no need to fret over it."

Honestly, Feng Yi couldn't comprehend it.

But undeniably, the statement accelerated his heartbeat, exciting him for a moment.

He took a deep breath to calm his emotions.

Even if he could make a fortune, that was a matter for the future. He needed to focus on the present.