Chapter 198: A Tentacle_1

Entering the first day of March, a coastal province issued its first severe convective weather warning of the year.

Prior to this, the local meteorological department had already issued relevant warnings, but this time the warning was more detailed.

Localized areas experienced hail brought by the severe convective weather, adversely affecting local spring planting and outdoor activities. Fortunately, the early warning allowed for proactive measures to be taken.

Subsequently, many videos filmed by local residents were circulated online.

In the footage, pedestrians who were dodging the hail were seen hurriedly seeking shelter, and then each of them frantically took out their phones to record the event.

When the camera panned, eight out of ten people were of the "remain calm and pull out a phone when something happens" type, and the remaining two were foodies.

In response to the various disaster videos related to the severe convective weather circulating online, Feng Yi stated—