Chapter 210: Do you know..._1

Feng Yi quietly sipped his tea, listening to the bosses passionately exchanging their opinions.

The attendees, who had arrived feeling sleepy and tired, were now like weapons loaded with ammunition, firing away relentlessly.

Glancing towards the back, he saw several auditors sitting in the corner, looking tense as if ready to step in and break up a fight at any moment.

Putting down his teacup, Feng Yi opened his notebook and began to write.

The notebook he'd brought to the meeting wasn't just for show. Although he couldn't understand much of the experts' debate, Feng Yi still jotted down some keywords—those that sounded important but were completely incomprehensible to him.

In the two days he'd been there, Feng Yi had come to realize that the gap between him and these professionals wasn't about professional knowledge reserves, but about attitude.

Feng Yi's status as an "expert" was all thanks to instinct, but can one get promoted solely based on instinct?