Chapter 233 Like a Poisonous Snake_1

At Steve's place, there were two giant snakes, one couch potato, and one tyrannosaur, but at least none was the crazy type. With two big shots on site, Wu Huan relaxed quite a bit.

Knowing that Steve only had Feng Yi as his guest, Wu Huan was in no rush to leave since going back would be boring, and here he had someone to talk to.

Looking around, Wu Huan asked Steve:

"Hey, where's your assistant?"

Since Steve had recruited two new assistants upon arriving in Yang City—he had quite a bit of work here and needed extra hands to help.

And with two more giant snakes around, he definitely needed the assistance.

It wasn't that he was worried about some accidents, like "only a cellphone left on the scene" kind of horror scenarios.

Taking care of two snakes that big, Steve couldn't manage alone.

He had many assistants; others had different tasks and weren't in Yang City, so he recruited two more assistants specifically for work affairs in Yang City.