Chapter 316 Let off steam_1

Before the semi-annual review results came out, Feng Yi hadn't visited the Joint Security Bureau's electronic library.

There was also a sizable electronic library at the Yang City branch, which Feng Yi had visited before, but due to access limitations, the information he could obtain was fairly limited.

Having finished writing the summary report and having sent out the gift prepared for so long for the housekeeper, Feng Yi gave himself a break, allowing his overworked brain to have a happy holiday.

He had wanted to play some games, but gaming also requires thinking, and nowadays, even the small games are too brain-burning.

He closed the game app page that was open and refreshed the news feed.

While writing the summary report, Feng Yi hadn't kept up with the latest news online.

First, he looked at information related to him and replied where necessary. Before he finished, a new message notification arrived on his phone.

It was from Feng Chi.