Chapter 365 Shatush_2


Making just one of these shawls requires the wool from three to five Tibetan antelopes, which essentially involves direct slaughter.

Some people think about skirting the law, but would selling fakes work?

It's not about whether it works or not, it's about whether you get charged or not!

There were instances of Shatush shawls being sold online, but whether they were real or fake, reporting them was all that needed to be done.

If what's being sold is fake, it's not only fraud, but also a challenge to and deception of wildlife protection values!

If it's real, well, the consequences are well understood.

Only this time, by sneakily placing the item in Feng Yi's car, whether it be the person who did it or the one who suggested it, they definitely didn't expect it to be discovered so swiftly and precisely!

No matter what they thought, they couldn't have imagined this kind of presence—